Performance and not position that ultimately counts

A Priest dies and is awaiting his turn in line at the Heaven’s Gates.
Ahead of him is a guy, fashionably dressed, in dark sun glasses, a loud
shirt, leather jacket & jeans.

God asks him: Please tell me who you are, so that I may know whether to
admit you into the kingdom of Heaven or not.
The guy replies: I am an Autorikshaw Driver from Mumbai!!!

God consults his ledger… smiles and says: Please take this silken robe
& gold scarf and enter the Kingdom of Heaven…

Now it is the priest’s turn. He stands erect and speaks out in a
booming voice: I am Pope’s Assistant so & so, Head Priest of the so &
so Church for the last 40 years.

God consults his ledger & says to the Priest: Please take this cotton
robe & enter the Kingdom of Heaven…

‘Just a minute’ says the agonized Priest. ‘How is it that a foul
mouthed, rash Driver is given a Silken robe & a Golden scarf and me, a
Priest, who’s spent his whole life preaching your Name & goodness has
to make do with a Cotton robe?’
‘Results my friend, results,’ shrugs God.

‘While you preached, people SLEPT; but when he drove, people PRAYED’
It’s PERFORMANCE & not POSITION that ultimately counts…




The legend of Narakasura and Deepavali

The legend, according to beliefs in South India, of Narakasura and Deepavali.

Narakasura was born Bhoman to Bhooma Devi and Lord Krishna in His Kurma avatar when He was holding the Mantara mountain on his back as a ballast to facilitate churning of the ocean by the Devas and Asuras to produce amrut (elixir). He was born in a tiny hamlet in Assam as an ordinary human being (a Nara) and later after having bagged several boons propitiating his favourite deities with his severe penance, he with his newly-acquired Super Natural powers became an asura terrorizing the hapless Devas — that is how the ordinary Bhoman came to be known as Narakasura.

Now Bhooma Devi is none other than Sathya Bhama. When the Devas approached Lord Krishna to deliver them from the tyranny of Narakasura, So even Sathya Bhama in spite of a mother’s natural protective instinct towards her progenies decides to go and actively wage the war alongside her lord and master, husband, Lord Krishna in the slaying of Narakasura. This is also said to be the one and only occasion in Hindu mythology where the queen and king jointly fight war

After the deed was done, Sathya Bhama extracts a promise from Krishna that the day be celebrated with gaiety by all the subjects lighting diyas (oil lamps), taking an oil bath much before the crack of the down — a practice otherwise not allowed to be followed according to our traditions — and having sweetmeats.

This is one more Hindu mythological tale signifying triumph of good over evil.

Naraka (or Narak) is also the Sanskrit (the original language of ancient India that spawned off into practically countless languages and dialects over the millennia) word for hell.

It is usually the case that the original tale has slightly varying degrees of interpretations in different parts of the country.