10 THINGS YOU SHOULD PAY ATTENTION TO BEFORE YOU COMMIT TO SOMEONE FOR MARRIAGE 1. HOW THEY HANDLE CORRECTION.Marriage will require a lot of learning, unlearning and relearning. If the person is not teachable, marriage will be a challenge.2. HOW THEY ACT WHEN THEY DON’T GET WHAT THEY WANT.If someone cannot handle disappointments, or they always want things to go their way, that will be a difficult spouse.3. HOW THEY ACT AROUND THE OPPOSITE GENDER.They are in a relationship but act & behave like they are single & open. Someone who gets overly excited around the opposite gender sometimes to the point of forgetting you even exist or wants to entertain and please others, will bring you unnecessary trouble.4. HOW THEY ACT WHEN ANGRY.Anger is a normal human emotion, but how you control it or how it controls you will determine if you’re ready for marriage or you need serious help.  Does the person become insulting, violent, threatening and rude when angry; or do they control their temper? Marriage will bring some reasons to be angry here and there; can they handle it?5. HOW THEY ACT WHEN THE CONVERSATION IS ABOUT SEX.If they get uncomfortable when the conversation is about sex or they get overly lustful; your marriage will have trouble. Marriage should be with someone open about sex conversations and also someone who sees it as something special in marriage.6. HOW THEY ACT WHEN THE CONVERSATION IS NOT ABOUT SEX.Does the person tune off or show no interest when you talk about other topics? That person is only interested in sex, not a long term bond with you. Be careful!7. HOW THEY ACT WHEN YOU CAN’T GIVE TIME.If there are moments you can’t answer the persons phone call because you’re in a meeting, function or can’t reply immediately to their messages but you get back to them when you’re done, does the person understand; or become controlling and insecure, wanting to micromanage your time? You are safe with someone who understands there are other parts and roles in your life that need your attention.8. HOW THEY ACT WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT GOD.If the person avoids God talk, they will not raise with you the Godly family you are praying for. Quote me anywhere, no marriage can enjoy the blessings that comes with marriage if they take away the one who instituted marriage out of the equation.  9. HOW THEY ACT WHEN YOU GO THROUGH A TOUGH MOMENT.When you are having a bad day, when you are in trouble, does the person console you, comfort you and encourage you; or do they avoid your tough moments, are they emotionally unavailable and belittle your feelings. A good spouse cares.10. HOW THEY ACT AROUND PEOPLE WITH MORE MONEY AND LESS MONEY.There are partners who only wants to be with you when it is rosy & all sunshine. When the going gets tough, they run away and look for a new spark. If the person treats people based on their financial status, be careful. You could be about to get married to an opportunist. A good person is consistent in how he/she handles people of different statuses.THE INSPIRERS