Insightful message

Insightful messages
So this morning I had my message completed and, then it disappeared. It has been happening every so often, sometimes I have the message completed and post, but it disappears. Mostly, don’t prepare before hand or even know what the message would be. It just comes to mind, I type and send. I guess the title and message that disappeared this morning, was for a reason, or it was not the right time, so I shall not fret anymore. There are times that I contemplate, write them down, prepare, but in the end, the message posted is completely different to what I chose. When we get an idea, incling or concept in mind, do we accept and follow or do we just, okay, and then two minutes later move on, completely forgetting what we were supposed to do. We focus too much on the outside world, that we don’t realise that we already have most of our greatest ideas inside of us, just to tap into. I now walk around with a pen and paper, write down every idea or message that comes to mind. I have the pen and paper next to my bed and as soon as I awake I write down the key words of the dream, then I remember the whole dream. We all have these ideas, dreams, views, concepts swirling around in our minds, I choose to tap into them. Thank you God for always having my back, even when I believe you have forsaken me.